

Q:Is having a criminal record a disqualifier for e-Gate?

A:e-Gate is a risk-based approach to facilitate the entry of pre-approved travelers.
  Applicants may not qualify for e-Gate participation if they:

  1. Provide false or incomplete information on the application;
  2. Have been convicted of any criminal offense or have pending criminal charges, including outstanding warrants;
  3. Have any adverse record including travel ban, violation of laws in Taiwan and Italy, or involvement of terrorist activities.
  4. Are subjects of an investigation by any central or local law enforcement agency;
  5. Are inadmissible under Taiwan immigration regulations; or if they cannot satisfy NIA of their low-risk status or meet other requirements.

Q:My passport is renewed, how can I update my passport information?

A:When an enrolled Italian registrant renews his/her passport, he/she must enroll again.

Q:After I acquire e-Gate membership, do I still need to fill out the arrival card for using e-Gate?

A:You will still need to complete the Arrival Card online (https://niaspeedy.immigration.gov.tw/webacard/) before using e-Gate for every visit to Taiwan. (Applicant failing to complete Online Arrival Card has to go through manual counter for passport inspection.)

Q:Are children eligible to enroll in e-Gate?

A:e-Gate applicants must be aged 14 or above, and at least 140 cm tall.