

聯絡電話:+886-2-23889393 分機 1039

Online Application for Entry Permit of HK and Macao Residents

港澳居民申請臨時停留許可(網簽) - 認證聯絡電子信箱

1. 請填寫本人電子郵件信箱,並點選「寄送驗證碼」,您會收到一封驗證信至您的電子郵件信箱。
Please fill in your personal email address, then click "Send Verification Code" button. We will send a verification code to your email address.
2. 請將驗證信中之驗證碼填入下方欄位,點選「驗證」後,始得進行後續申請作業。
Enter the verification code into the field reserved for it, then click "Verify code" button to continue the application process.
3. 如您未收到驗證信,請至其他收件匣(如垃圾郵件匣或者廣告信件匣)確認,或建議更換其他信箱申請。
If you are not receiving a verification code by email during application, check your spam folder or apply again via a different email address.
4. 提醒您,申請人勿使用大陸地區電子郵件帳號作為驗證電子郵件位址(如qq.cn或xxx.cn等)。
Please note that applicants shall not use an email that has service providers in China (i.e. those with domains such as qq.cn or xxx.cn) to receive verification email.