


Online Application for Change of Address of Residential Certificate


注意:1.請以正體字登錄 2.[ * ]為必須填寫的資料欄位/Fill in Filed


*身分 / Status

*居(停)留證號 / Residential Certificate No.
*中文姓名 / Name *生日 / Date of Birth
格式:yyyy/MM/dd   例:1980/01/01
*E-Mail 申請人(代) / Applicant(Proxy)
*變更之新住址 / New Address 與依親對象戶籍地址相同/Same as relative’s address
村里/Village/Li 鄰/Lin 街路段/Street Road 巷/Lane 弄/Alley 門牌號/Number
(Please select city and district from drop-down list first!!)
*依親對象姓名 / Name of Relative *依親對象身分證統一編號 / ID No.
*聯絡電話 / Telephone No. *行動電話 / Cell Phone No.


  1. 申請對象:持居留證件來臺之大陸地區人民、香港澳門居民及無戶籍國民。
  2. 居停留證件地址變更為依親對象之新戶籍地址者,免傳送證明文件;其他請傳真載有足以證明目前居住地址之證明文件,如租賃契約、房屋所有權證明等。傳真機號碼(大陸地區居民請傳真至:02-23708129,港澳地區居民請傳真至:02-23892755)。
  3. 租屋地址與戶籍地址不同者,請臨櫃辦理。
  4. 以偽造、變造之證明文件申請,經察覺者,依法辦理。
  5. 處理情形,審查機關於次日(假日順延)回覆。
  1. Applicants: Citizens of Mainland China area, Hong Kong or Macao residents, and stateless nationals.
  2. Those who changed their address in Resident Certificates to their dependent relatives’ address do not need to submit relevant certificates. Otherwise, please fax the relevant certificates with present address, such as lease contracts or house deed. Our fax number for mainland residents is 02-23708129 and for Hong Kong and Macao residents is 02-23892755.
  3. Those who submit falsified certificates will be prosecuted.
  4. Examination authorities may reply on the day after application.(Weekends and holidays are excluded)