

負責單位:內政部役政署徵集組(法規諮詢) 內政服務熱線:1996(系統操作諮詢)

申請進度查詢專線:內政部移民署臺北市服務站-- 02-2388-3929

Online applications for exit permit for men of conscription age who studied abroad


注意:1.請以正體字登錄 2.[ * ]為必須填寫的資料欄位/Fill in Filed


*中文姓名 / Name *護照號碼 / Passport No.
*生日 / Date of Birth
格式:yyyy/MM/dd   例:1980/01/01
*身分證統一編號 / ID No.
*護照效期截止日期 / Expiration Date
格式:yyyy/MM/dd   例:1980/01/01
*國外正式學歷學校名稱 / Foreign Formal Education
Resume & Name of School
*入學年月 / Date of Enrolment
格式:yyyy/MM   例:1980/01
*預定畢業年月 / Expected Date of Graduation
格式:yyyy/MM   例:1980/01
最近一次出國日期 / Last Date of Departure
格式:yyyy/MM/dd   例:1980/01/01
最近一次入國日期 / Last Date of Arrival
格式:yyyy/MM/dd   例:1980/01/01
*市內電話 / Telephone No. (請不要使用括弧) *行動電話 / Cellphone No.


  1. 受理對象:屆役男年齡(19歲當年1月1日起至33歲當年12月31日止)曾以赴國外(或大陸地區)就學役男身分入出境,且仍在同一所學校同一學程就讀及無逾核准在國內停留期限情形者。
  2. 檢附文件:申請之日起算前3個月內由就讀學校開具且經駐外館處驗證,修習高中以上、學士、碩士或博士正式學歷且符合就學最高年齡限制之在學證明。(文件內容請註明就學年限、高中學士或碩士或博士學位課程及下學期開學日期)。
  3. 本表所填資料經電腦查對檔案資料,須俟檢附文件正本寄達,檢核無誤後,立即回復。查詢電話:(02)23883929 、傳真電話:(02)23899036。


  1. Eligible Applicants: Men of conscription age (calculated from January 1st of applicant’s 19th birthday year till December 31st of applicant’s 33th birthday year) who have studied abroad before their conscription age and are still studying at the same school (in the same degree program) and have never overstayed in Taiwan.
  2. Required documents: Certificate of full-time enrollment issued within 3 months prior to application by the accredited academic institution and authenticated by an R.O.C. Overseas Mission. Applicants should study for high school degree or above (bachelor, master, or doctor degree), and fall within the following age limit for each degree programs (high school or bachelor degree students should be under the age of 24; master degree students should be under the age of 27, and doctorate degree student should be under the age of 30).
    Certificate should specify the duration of study, degree programs (high school, bachelor, master, or doctor), and next semester start date.
  3. Applicants will receive replies immediately after online data has been verified, faxed-in-advance required documents approved and there is no error on original copy of required documents.
    inquiry: (02)23883929, fax (02)23899036.